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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November's Super Moon & Things to do during a Full Moon

This year, the full moons of October, November and December all take place when the moon is at its closest point of approach in its orbit around Earth — a so-called supermoon.  
October's supermoon occurred on Oct. 16. The next supermoon will be November's full Beaver Moon, which is expected to reach the peak of its full phase on the morning of Nov. 14, at 8:52 a.m. EST (1352 GMT), but it will appear full to the casual observer in the day before and after the main event. It is the second of three consecutive supermoon full moons for 2016.  
This full moon will be not only the closest and brightest supermoon of 2016 but also the largest since 1948, Bob Berman, an astronomer at the Slooh Community Observatory, told Space.com. What's more, the full moon won't come this close to Earth again until Nov. 25, 2034, according to a statement from NASA
Every Full Moon is vital in renewing energy and reviving intent. It can help you release negativity, thoughts that no longer serve you, and break habits that are holding you back. Thus, connecting with the Full Moon can empower you to make changes in your life that you may have been contemplating and invite new and brilliant vibrations into your life!
Take a little time to celebrate the full moon and maximize your existence:
× on the night of the full moon, step outside and find a grassy private area to sit or lay down and contemplate the moon.
× make an altar with candles, shells, water, whatever speaks to you and set it up in view of the moon. Breathe in the strong lunar energy and push out any negativity that resides.
× take a piece of paper and write insecurities, fears, habits, things that are keeping you from being your best self, then let those things go by burning the paper and symbolically banishing them. As you burn them away you might feel overwhelmed, take comfort in the guidance of the moon and remember that you have within you brilliant traits and strengths to replace that which no longer serves you.
× meditate. Whether through a guided meditation, listening to relaxing music or complete silence, take a minute outside, close your eyes, take deep breaths and just be present and feel what's going on inside of you.
× girls: have a girls night with close positive friends and talk about things that you're passionate about, make art, watch a show and discuss it, have a few drinks, go out on the town, whatever you'd like!
× have a bonfire and swap stories, listen to music, dance, have fun and let go of negativity.
× let your creativity flow, be inspired by the moon whether to paint, draw, dance, hike, pick flowers, write, or anything else that inspires you.

And don't forget to charge your crystals!

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